DT2483002B20AAA bộ điều khiển Watlow Vietnam
DT2483002B20AAA bộ điều khiển hiện đang được HandHeld phân phối tại thị trường Việt Nam, ứng dụng trong hầu hết lĩnh vực…

Watlow Vietnam – Đại lý Watlow Vietnam
1 100% USA Origin Watlow Vietnam “Watlow P/N: J8J-15014
Customer P/N: 1410-02329
Firerod Cartridge Heater “
2100% USA OriginWatlow Vietnam”Watlow P/N: J7A50-11752
Customer P/N: 1410-02328
Firerod Cartridge Heater”
Các mã hàng liên quan Watlow
1100% USA OriginWatlow Vietnam”Watlow Code Number : DT2483002B20AAA
Configuration Details :
Phase 2 = 3-phase, 2 controlled leg
Maximum Line & Load Voltage 48 = 480VAC
Amperage 300 = 300A
Auxiliary Power 2 = Nominal 200,208,220,230, 240VAC 180-265V Max Range
Additional Options B = No Current Limit Loop No Analog Retransmit Output 1
Cooling Fan Voltage 2 = 240V
Wired Communications (additional) 0 = No Communications
Data Logging A = None
Model Number DT2483002B20AAA”
Watlow ASPYRE SCR Power Controller DT2483002B20AAA
Features of the Watlow ASPYRE Advanced SCR Power Control
- Easy to read real character pixel display
- Quick access to SCRs minimizes production downtime
- Simple to configure with ASPYRE configuration PC software and plug and play access via USB device port
- Intuitive application wizard automatically recommends controller configuration settings based on load type
- Intelligent troubleshooting with built-in diagnostics
- Easy to access replaceable semiconductor fuses
- ASPYRE DT features SCR switching, voltage sensor, data logging, Wi-Fi, current sensor, semiconductor fusing, user interface, communications, relay alarm, cooling fan, back-up power supply and more in one device
DIN-A-MITE Power Controller DC20-60C0-0000
DIN-A-MITE Power Controller DC10-02F0-0000
DIN-A-MITE Power Controller DC10-60F0-0000
DIN-A-MITE Power Controller DC10-02K2-0000
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